Alternative Delivery Mega-Project Start Up Check Lists and Plans

Article No. 3


Alternative Delivery (AD) Mega-Projects are extraordinarily complex and require an intense amount of project planning and execution. Getting the project organized and started quickly can ensure greater success.

In the last 29 years, I have worked on 43 AD projects with a total construction value of $29B in which nine have been P3 projects valued at $11.0B. Through this experience I have found that the use and development of a 30/60/120 Day Start up Checklist and Plan can provide you with a tool for success. If started at the proposal phase and customized for your specific project this list and plan can assist you and your team in the planning phases and then during implementation.

I start off using my last check list, and modifying that for the given project, given the nuances of the engagement, the requirements of the owner and the win strategies developed and agreed to by the team. This process will help you in building your winning proposal and allocating the staffing and resources that you will need to ensure that you price and staff the startup activities adequately.

My current check list starts with 41 activities that should be accounted for from finalizing the prime contract to setting up the project office to mobilizing staffing and resources. As you work through your final proposal finalize the check list and add who should be responsible for each activity along with their assigned responsibilities. Based of the requirements from the owner and your draft project schedule, assign a start and finish date to each of these startup activities. Look at the preliminary staffing plan and determine what additional resources you may need to successfully accomplish all of these start up activities within the given time frame.

Develop a strategy to obtain these additional resources. These individuals can be someone within your company or outside resources that have this expertise and can commit to the time required during the first four months of the start of implementation.

Start working on the framework of the start up plan during the proposal efforts. Share this with your executive team and get their buy in for implementation. Once selected, finalize the start up plan and put it into action. Bring in the resources you need per the plan to ensure the start up plan’s success. Have a start up meeting with your start up team and go over the plan, the responsibilities and the schedule. Track the progress of all activities within the plan and meet with your team weekly.

#strategicplanning #executionexcellence